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> Service > Anti-Hacking


Cyber threats are pretty widespread in the age of free flowing internet, causing a great deal of vulnerability to data and files secured on networks connected to internet. Besides, as our experience goes, businesses face different types of hacking threats and security challenges to their data, emails, applications, email accounts, software usernames and passwords etc and hence they call for customized anti-hacking solutions for such devastating cyber challenges. -

At Friday informatics, regarded as the most trusted anti hacking service in Delhi, we implement (execute) different types of software and processes to check such a menace, once the nature of the problem is being evaluated. Thus, customized solutions is the most appropriate step to check the entry and proliferation of viruses and to prevent hacking to ensure safety and system???s security.

  • Evaluation of the level of security threats
  • Scanning of servers, applications, network and other associated resources,
  • Security Testing Service for websites, software, email accounts etc,
  • Then in some cases we also implement premium audit service for source codes of applications installed on computers in a given network. This helps our insightful engineers to determine weak areas in terms of security and to initiate further steps to safeguard it,
  • Finally Digital Forensic Service also enables us to focus upon a range of possible security issues such as prevention of cyber attacks in the most timely manner, implementing steps to contain damage to files, folders and data over the given network, locating the culprit who tries to hack and so forth.


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